This is a list of the books I’ve read excluding school assignments, including notable series and games. I mostly borrow books or read them as e-books or audiobooks, so I keep my library in the form of a list.
Each entry is also given a rating from 1 (bad) to 5 (great) and I also documented the language of each book that I’ve read. Note that the review score tends to change over time - but since I typically read a book only once, the reviews represent my perception of the work after finishing it for the first time.
Below the book list is also a list of series and games I’ve watched or played.
Think there should be a book, series or game on the list? Then you can recommend it to me :D
Author | Name | Rating | Language |
Acemoglu D. & Robinson J. A. | The Narrow Corridor | 4.5 | ENG |
Acemoglu D. & Robinson J. A. | Why Nations Fail | 5.0 | DEU |
Adams Douglas | A hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy | 3.0 | SLO |
Adams Douglas | Life, the Universe and Everything | 2.0 | SLO |
Adams Douglas | Mostly Harmless | 1.5 | SLO |
Adams Douglas | So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish | 1.5 | SLO |
Adams Douglas | The Restaurant at the End of the Universe | 1.5 | SLO |
Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons | Watchmen - Deluxe edition | 4.0 | ENG |
Alan Moore & David Lloyd | V for Vendetta | 4.0 | ENG |
Albert Camus | The Stranger | 3.0 | DEU |
Aldous Huxley | A brave new world | 3.5 | SLO |
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich | 3.5 | DEU |
Alex Bellos | Alex‘s Adventures in Numberland | 3.5 | ENG |
André Aciman | Call me by your Name | 3.5 | DEU |
Andreï Makine | Le Testament Francais | 3.5 | SLO |
Andy Weir | Project Hail Mary | 4.5 | DEU |
Anna Löwenstein | La Teorio Nakamura | 4.5 | EO |
Anne Frank | The Diary of a young girl | 4.0 | SLO |
Anton LaVey | The Satanic Bible | 1.5 | DEU |
Aravind Adiga | The White Tiger | 4.0 | ENG |
Arthur Conan Doyle | The Hound of the Baskervilles | 4.0 | ENG |
Arthur Turrell | The Star Builders | 2.5 | ENG |
Ashlee Vance | Elon Musk – Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a fantastic future | 4.5 | SLO |
Ayn Rand | Atlas Shrugged | 4.0 | ENG |
Ayn Rand | The Fountainhead | 5.0 | ENG & DEU |
Babiš Aleš | Zakaj sem brez denarja? 24 idej za zmanjševanje življenskih stroškov | 4.0 | SLO |
Benjamin A. Saenz | Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe | 4.5 | ENG |
Bobby Fischer et al | Bobby Fischer teaches Chess | 3.0 | ENG |
Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths | Algorithms to live by | 2.5 | ENG |
Bryson Bill | A Short History of Nearly Everything | 4.0 | SLO |
Cal Newport | How to become a straight-A student | 3.5 | ENG |
Carl Sagan | Contact | 3.5 | SLO |
Cathy O’Neil | Weapons of Math Destruction | 4.0 | ENG |
Cervantes Saavedra de Miguel | Don Xihote | 3.0 | SLO |
Charles Petzold | Code - The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software | 5.0 | ENG |
China Miéville | Perdido Street Station | 3.0 | DEU |
Chris Anderson | Makers: The New Industrial Revolution | 4.5 | ENG |
Chris Bernhardt | Quantum Computing for Everyone | 4.0 | ENG |
Chris Jones | Monero - The Cryptocurrency King | 3.5 | ENG |
Chris Wright | Worker Cooperatives and Revolution | 4.0 | ENG |
Cory Klein | Chess – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners | 3.0 | ENG |
Dale Carnegie | How to Win Friends and Influence People | 2.0 | DEU |
Dan Brown | Angels & Demons | 4.0 | SLO & DEU |
Dan Brown | The da Vinci code | 4.0 | SLO |
Dan Brown | Deception point | 4.0 | SLO |
Dan Brown | Digital fortress | 4.0 | SLO |
Dan Brown | Inferno | 4.0 | SLO |
Dan Brown | Origin | 4.0 | SLO |
Dan Brown | The lost symbol | 4.0 | SLO |
Dan Cryan, Sharron Shatil, Bill Mayblin | Introducing Logic: A Graphic Guide | 4.0 | DEU |
Daniel Kahneman | Thinking, Fast and Slow | 3.5 | SLO |
Dave Rubin | Don‘t burn this book | 3.0 | ENG |
David van Reybrouck | Against elections: The case for democracy | 4.0 | SLO |
David W. Plummer | Secrets of the Autistic Millionaire | 3.5 | ENG |
Dr. Jospeh Mercola | Fat for fuel | 3.5 | ENG |
Dr. Oakley Barbara | A mind for numbers - How to excel at math and science | 4.0 | ENG |
Drago Jančar | In ljubezen tudi | 3.5 | SLO |
E. M. Foster | The Machine Stops | 4.0 | ENG |
Ed Yong | I Contain Multitudes | 3.5 | ENG |
Edward Craig | Philosophy. A Very Short Introduction | 3.5 | ENG |
Edwin A. Abbott | Flatland | 3.5 | SLO |
Émile Zola | J’Accuse | 4.0 | ENG |
Emily M. Danforth | The Miseducation of Cameron Post | 4.5 | ENG |
Eoin Colfer | And another thing… | 1.5 | SLO |
Eric Matthes | Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition | 3.5 | ENG |
F. Scott Fitzgerland | The Great Gatsby | 3.5 | SLO |
Frank Herbert | Dune | 2.0 | SLO |
Franz Kafka | Das Schloß | 4.0 | DEU |
Franz Kafka | Der Prozeß | 4.0 | DEU |
Franz Kafka | Die Verwandlung | 4.0 | DEU |
Freeman Dyson | Origins of Life | 4.0 | DEU |
Friedrich Dürrenmatt | Der Richter und sein Henker | 3.5 | DEU |
Gabriel García Márquez | One hundred years of Solitude | 4.5 | SLO |
Gabriel García Márquez | S poti po Vzhodni Evropi | 3.5 | ENG |
Garrett Graham | The State | 3.5 | ENG |
Geoff Colvin | Talent is Overrated | 4.0 | ENG |
George Orwell | 1984 | 4.5 | SLO |
George Orwell | Animal Farm | 4.5 | ENG |
Gerard Beekmans | Linux From Scratch | 3.0 | ENG |
Götz Ruprecht et al | Kernenergie – Der Weg in die Zukunft | 3.5 | DEU |
Gubo Luka | Majhna knjiga o velikih donosih | 3.5 | SLO |
Harper Lee | To kill a mockingbird | 4.0 | SLO |
Haruki Murakami | Sleep | 3.0 | ENG |
Hebrew Folklore | Bible (ESV Version) | 1.0 | ENG |
Heinrich Böll | Doktor Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen | 3.0 | DEU |
Hermann Hesse | Siddharta | 3.0 | SLO |
Iain Pears | Arcadia | 4.0 | ENG |
J. E. Gordon | Structures - or why Things don’t fall Down | 2.5 | ENG |
J. K. Rowling | Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone | 4.0 | ENG |
J. K. Rowling | Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets | 3.5 | ENG |
J. K. Rowling | Harry Potter and the prizoner of Azkaban | 4.5 | ENG |
J. K. Rowling | Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire | 4.0 | ENG |
J. K. Rowling | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 3.5 | ENG |
J. K. Rowling | Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince | 4.5 | ENG |
J. K. Rowling | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | 4.0 | ENG |
J. R. R. Tolkien | The Hobbit | 5.0 | SLO & DEU |
J. R. R. Tolkien | Lord of the rings - Fellowship of the rings | 4.0 | SLO |
J. R. R. Tolkien | Return of the king | 4.0 | SLO |
J. R. R. Tolkien | The two Towers | 4.0 | SLO |
Jane Austen | Pride and Prejudice | 3.0 | ENG |
Jimmy Carter | A Full Life – Reflections at Ninety | 3.0 | ENG |
Joe Strike | Furry Nation | 3.5 | ENG |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Die Leiden des jungen Werthers | 2.5 | DEU |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Faust I und II | 3.0 | DEU |
John Perry | The Art of Procrastination | 2.0 | ENG |
Joshua S. Goldstein & Staffan A. Qvist | A bright Future | 5.0 | ENG |
Karl Marx | The Communist Manifesto | 2.5 | DEU |
Kazuo Ishiguro | Never let me go | 3.0 | DEU |
Kevin Houston | How to think like a mathematician | 4.0 | ENG |
Kevin J. Mitchell | Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will | 4.0 | ENG |
Khaled Hosseini | The Kite Runner | 3.0 | ENG |
Kit Yates | The Maths of Life and Death: Why Maths is (Almost) Everything | 3.5 | DEU |
Klaus Mann | Der fromme Tanz | 2.5 | DEU |
Klaus Mann | Mephisto | 4.0 | DEU |
Kurt Vonnegut | Harrison Bergeron | 3.0 | ENG |
Kurt Vonnegut | Slaughterhouse-Five | 3.0 | DEU |
M. Kei | Pirates of the Narrow Seas – The Salle Rovers | 3.0 | ENG |
Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim | Komisch, alles chemisch! | 3.5 | ENG |
Marcus Tullii Cicero | Catilinarian Orations | 3.0 | ENG |
Margaret Atwood | The Handmaid’s Tale | 5.0 | ENG |
Marjane Satrapi | Persepolis | 4.0 | SLO |
Mark Lasarevič Gallaj | Через невидимые барьеры | 3.5 | SLO |
Mark O’Connel | To Be a Machine | 3.5 | ENG |
Markus Zusak | The Book Thief | 4.0 | SLO |
Matthew Walker | Why we sleep | 4.0 | DEU |
Max Florschutz | Axtara: Banking and Finance | 3.5 | ENG |
Michael J. Sandel | The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good? | 5.0 | ENG |
Michel Houellebecq | Soumission | 3.5 | ENG |
Mikhail Bakunin | God and the State | 3.5 | DEU |
Miki Muster | Dogodivščine Zvitorepca, Trdonje in Lakotnika | 4.5 | SLO |
Milisavljev Staša | Investiranje na borzi za začetnike | 3.0 | ENG |
Mojca Kumerdej | Temna Snov | 3.5 | SLO |
Morisson Toni | The Bluest Eye | 3.5 | SLO |
Muhammed | The Quran | 1.0 | DEU |
Murad Wilfried Hofmann | Der Islam als Alternative | 1.0 | DEU |
Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway | Merchants of Doubt | 4.5 | ENG |
Neil deGrasse Tyson | Astrophysics for People in a Hurry | 3.5 | SLO |
Nick Bostrom | Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies | 3.5 | ENG |
Nick Lane | The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life | 4.5 | DEU |
Nicollo Machiavelli | The Prince | 4.0 | SLO |
Orson Scott Card | Ender’s Game | 4.0 | SLO |
Osama Bin Laden | A Letter to America | 1.0 | ENG |
Oscar Wilde | The Picture of Dorian Grey | 3.5 | ENG |
Patrick Ness | A Monster Calls | 3.5 | SLO |
Paul Fannon et al | Discrete Mathematics | 3.0 | ENG |
Peter Atkins | Atkins’ Molecules | 3.5 | ENG |
Peter Thiel and Blake Masters | Zero to One | 3.5 | ENG |
Peter Wohlleben | Das Seelenleben der Tiere | 3.5 | SLO |
Philip K. Dick | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | 4.0 | ENG |
Philip K. Dick | The Minority Report | 5.0 | ENG |
Philip K. Dick | Ubik | 4.0 | ENG |
Philip Pullman | His dark materials - The Northern Lights | 5.0 | SLO & ENG |
Philip Pullman | His dark materials - The Subtle Knife | 5.0 | SLO & ENG |
Philip Pullman | His dark materials - The Amber Spyglass | 5.0 | SLO & ENG |
Philip Pullman | The Book of Dust – La Belle Sauvage | 2.5 | ENG |
Philip Pullman | The Book of Dust – The Secret Commonwealth | 1.5 | ENG |
Randall Munroe | What if? | 3.0 | DEU |
Ray Bradbury | Fahrenheit 451 | 4.0 | SLO |
Rene Descartes | Meditations on First Philosophy | 4.0 | ENG |
Richard Dawkins | The God Delusion | 4.5 | SLO |
Richard Martin | Super Fuel: Thorium, the green energy source for the future | 3.0 | ENG |
Richard P. Feynman | Six easy Pieces | 3.5 | ENG |
Richard P. Feynman | Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman! | 4.0 | SLO |
Robert Corvus | Drachenmahr | 3.5 | DEU |
Robert Steiner | Selig, wer in Träumen stirbt | 3.0 | DEU |
Saifedean Ammous | The Bitcoin Standard | 4.5 | DEU |
Sam Harris | Free Will | 4.5 | ENG |
Sibylle Berg | Habe ich dir eigentlich schon erzählt … Ein Märchen für alle | 4.0 | DEU |
Simon Singh | The Code Book | 4.5 | ENG |
Stefan Zweig | Die Schachnovelle | 3.0 | DEU |
Stephanie Kelton | The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory | 4.5 | ENG |
Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner | Freakonomics | 3.0 | ENG |
Steven Pinker | Rationality | 4.0 | ENG |
Stieg Larsson | The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo | 3.5 | DEU |
Sun Tzu | The Complete Art of War | 3.5 | ENG |
Suzanne Collins | The Hunger Games | 4.0 | DEU |
Suzanne Collins | Mockingjay | 3.5 | DEU |
Suzanne Collins | Catching Fire | 3.5 | DEU |
Tara Westover | Educated | 3.5 | ENG |
Theodor Herzl | Altneuland | 4.0 | DEU |
Theodor Herzl | Der Judenstaat | 3.5 | DEU |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Dragonet Prophecy | 3.5 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Lost Heir | 3.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Hidden Kingdom | 3.5 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Dark Secret | 4.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Brightest Night | 4.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | Moon Rising | 3.5 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | Prisoners | 4.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | Winter Turning | 4.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | Escaping Peril | 4.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | Talons of Power | 3.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | Darkness of Dragons | 4.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | Darkstalker | 4.5 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Lost Continent | 2.5 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Hive Queen | 2.5 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Poison Jungle | 3.0 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Dangerous Gift | 2.5 | ENG |
Tui T. Sutherland | The Flames of Hope | 1.5 | ENG |
Vladimir Nabokov | Lolita | 4.5 | SLO |
Walter Isaacson | Benjamin Franklin | 4.0 | ENG |
Walter Isaacson | Steve Jobs | 3.5 | SLO |
William Golding | Lord of the Flies | 5.0 | ENG |
Yuval Noah Harari | Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow | 5.0 | ENG |
This list includes animes
Series | Rating |
Adam ruins Everything | 4.0 |
Amphibia | 3.5 |
Attack on Titan | 4.5 |
Avatar: The Last Airbender | 4.5 |
American Dragon | 3.5 |
Beastars | 2.0 |
Black Mirror (season 1-4) | 4.5 |
Brain Games | 4.5 |
Breaking Bad | 5.0 |
Code Geass | 3.0 |
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey | 4.0 |
Death Note | 5.0 |
Death Parade | 4.0 |
Demon Slayer | 2.0 |
Devilman: Crybaby | 2.5 |
Doctor Who (9th & 10th doctors) | 3.5 |
Dr. Stone | 5.0 |
Eden of the East | 3.5 |
Erased | 4.5 |
Fillmore! | 4.0 |
Final Space | 3.0 |
Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood | 4.0 |
Gary and his Demons | 3.5 |
Goblin Slayer | 3.0 |
Gravity Falls | 4.5 |
Hazbin Hotel | 4.0 |
Helluva Boss | 4.0 |
Hunter × Hunter | 2.5 |
Infinity Train | 4.5 |
Inuyashiki | 4.0 |
Jujutsu Kaisen (season 1 & 2) | 3.0 |
Loki | 4.0 |
Love Death and Robots | 3.5 |
Kaiju No. 8 (season 1) | 3.5 |
Kim Possible | 3.5 |
Mirai Nikki | 4.0 |
Mob Psycho 100 | 5.0 |
Monster | 4.5 |
My Hero Academia | 3.0 |
One Punch Man | 3.5 |
Parasite | 3.5 |
Phineas and Ferb | 3.5 |
Pluto | 4.0 |
Psycho-Pass (season 1) | 5.0 |
Rick and Morty | 3.5 |
Samurai Champloo | 2.0 |
Scooby doo: Mystery Incorporated | 4.0 |
Squid Game | 5.0 |
Steins;Gate | 5.0 |
Summer Time Rendering | 4.0 |
Terror in ressonance | 3.0 |
The Legend of Korra | 4.5 |
The Orville | 4.5 |
The Owl House | 3.5 |
The Promised Neverland (season 1) | 4.5 |
Tokyo Ghoul | 2.0 |
Ultimate survivour Kaiji | 4.5 |
Vinland Saga | 2.0 |
Years and Years | 3.5 |
Series | Rating |
Bioshock | 3.0 |
Black Mesa | 4.5 |
Bowser’s Fury | 5.0 |
Celeste | 4.5 |
Ctrl Alt Ego | 4.5 |
Deus Ex: Revision | 4.5 |
Firewatch | 4.0 |
Half Life 2 | 4.5 |
Half Life 2: Episode One | 4.0 |
Half Life 2: Episode Two | 4.0 |
Hollow Knight | 4.0 |
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity | 3.5 |
Inside | 2.0 |
Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 | 3.5 |
Kerbal Space Program | 4.5 |
Mario Kart 7 | 4.0 |
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | 4.5 |
Mario Kart Wii | 4.0 |
Mass Effect 1 | 4.0 |
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance | 4.0 |
Metroid Dread | 5.0 |
Metroid Prime 1 | 4.0 |
Metroid Prime 2 | 3.5 |
Miitopia (3DS) | 3.0 |
Minecraft | 4.5 |
NationStates | 3.5 |
Outer Wilds | 3.5 |
Papers Please | 3.5 |
Pikmin 3 | 3.5 |
Portal | 5.0 |
Portal 2 | 4.5 |
Prey (2017) | 5.0 |
Ratchet and Clank | 4.0 |
Ratchet and Clank 2 | 3.5 |
Ratchet and Clank 3 | 4.0 |
Ratchet and Clank: Deadlocked | 3.5 |
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction | 3.5 |
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time | 3.5 |
Ratchet and Clank: Nexus | 4.0 |
Solar Ash | 3.0 |
SOMA | 5.0 |
Sonic Adventure | 3.5 |
Sonic Adventure 2 | 4.0 |
Sonic Boom | 1.0 |
Sonic Colours (Wii) | 4.5 |
Sonic Forces | 2.0 |
Sonic Generations (PC) | 5.0 |
Shadow Generations | 4.5 |
Sonic Mania | 4.0 |
Sonic Mega Collection | 3.5 |
Sonic Omens | 3.5 |
Sonic Unleashed (PS3) | 3.0 |
Spark the Electric Jester 3 | 3.5 |
Spyro Reignited Trilogy | 4.0 |
Stray | 4.0 |
Subnautica | 4.5 |
Super Mario 3D Land | 3.0 |
Super Mario Galaxy | 4.0 |
Super Mario Maker 2 | 4.0 |
Super Mario Odyssey | 4.5 |
Super Mario Sunshine | 3.0 |
Superpower 2 | 4.0 |
System Shock | 4.5 |
The Henry Stickmin Collection | 4.0 |
The Legend of Zelda: A Link between Worlds | 3.5 |
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | 4.5 |
The Legend of Zelda: Majora‘s Mask 3D (N64 Restoration Mod) | 4.0 |
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | 3.5 |
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword | 3.5 |
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks | 3.5 |
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | 3.0 |
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap | 3.0 |
The Legend of Zelda: Twillight Princess | 4.0 |
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker | 3.5 |
The Stanley Parable | 4.0 |
Titanfall 2 | 4.5 |
Turing Complete | 5.0 |
Undertale | 4.5 |
Viewfinder | 4.0 |